Developer’s documentation

Code structure

Every subproblem type is managed by a python file :, and inherit from that inherits from the class Problem of Inginious.

math.html handle the display of a math problem when math_edit.html handle the display of the page allowing the administrator to modify a math problem.

These html files are managed by Javascript files such as math.js, and matheditor.js for the visual editor.

Useful functions

check_answer : Check the state and the information submitted by the student and return the correct feedback.

parse_answer : Take the student’s answer, modify it and return a clean version ready to be passed in the is_equal function.

is_equal : Compare the student answer and the expected answer using sympy functions and return True or False if the two are considered equal or not depending on the options checked by the admin.

parse_problem : Remove/add or modify entries in the dictionary representing the content of the supbroblemn to prepare the treatment of these information.